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Impress Your Clients
& Win New Business

Powerful Market Analytics & Reporting

Neighborhood Snapshot™ Video
Icon - Snapshot - Reports

Branded Reports

Create and customize beautiful detailed marketing packages for your clients and prospects.

Icon - Snapshot - Monthly

Monthly Snapshot

Analyze monthly snapshot of real-time data for up to 5 areas or 1 custom shape at a time.

Icon - Snapshot - Trendlines

Historical Trendlines

Assess historical trends by various different variables such as Homes for Sale, Days on Market, Sales Price and more!

Icon - Snapshot - Embed

Embed on Private Website

Embed the Neighborhood Snapshot™ PRO statistical tool on your private website(s).

Icon - Snapshot - Real Time

Real-Time Data

Analyze real-time data through bar graphs or line charts. Smooth out short-term fluctuations and identify trends with rolling months.

Icon - Snapshot - Export


Export any of the trendline reports as CSV files.